Corporate Health

Sapna Fliedner

Did you know that...

Did you know that unhealthy employees cost businesses $153 Billion in lost productivity? Employee health plays a significant role in the success of any organization. Employee health can either add to or subtract from your bottom line. CDC studies have shown that productivity losses from health-related absenteeism total over $225.8B per year or $1,685 per employee. The United States spends more on healthcare than Japan, Germany, France, China, UK, Italy, Canada, Brazil, Spain and Australia COMBINED. Yet, the World Health Organization ranks us 37th for overall health outcomes. What does this mean? Healthcare spending does not equate to better health. Poor health affects individuals in four ways: By decreasing productivity, making individuals less useful at work, lowers survival probability, and increases medical spending.

Obese workers lose 13 times more workdays on average, driving the cost of absenteeism even higher. Additionally, employees with high-risk profiles use expensive sick care more often, which can increase the rates that you pay for insurance. Seventy five percent of our healthcare costs that go to treating individuals with PREVENTABLE chronic diseases.

Healthier people are happier people. As the saying goes, A healthy person has a thousand dreams, an unhealthy person but one. When your employees enjoy good health, it makes a dramatic impact on your organization.

"Are your employees performing at the top of their game while clocking hours?

Employee productivity rises.

Employee productivity rises and the culture improves when you have a solid wellness program. Your organization is better able to retain employees and attract new talent.

Not only is your bottom line affected, but you show your employees that you genuinely care about their wellbeing and invest in improving their lives.

Healthy employees are the key to success. 

Happy, healthy employees are a key part of any successful business. A wellness program shouldn’t just focus on absenteeism but also the employee’s ability to be ‘present’ and motivated when they are sitting at their desks and engaging with your customers.

Are your employees present? 

Employee presenteeism costs your company far more $ than employee absenteeism.

According to Harvard Business Review and the Journal of the America Medical Association, on-the-job productivity loss was roughly three times greater than absence-related productivity loss.

Your bottom line is affected if your employees are sick.

Good nutrition can directly impact our emotions and moods, and can no longer be ignored as a key preventative step for avoiding lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Nutritional education is an integral part of a wellness strategy for any company trying to compete in today’s market

Good nutrition can directly impact our emotions and moods, and can no longer be ignored as a key preventative step for avoiding lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Nutritional education is an integral part of a wellness strategy for any company trying to compete in today’s market.

Sapna Fliedner

"Sapna Fliedner is the consummate professional. She meets her clients at the intersection of traditional and modern medical practices, which serves them well. Her expertise in Ayurvedic medicine and ability to convey its concept in easy-to-understand language enables her clients to become advocates for their own health and wellbeing. Sapna graciously served as a guest educator for the "Healthy Through the Holidays" online program created by Walking as Practice for the members of AARP Texas. She was one of the most popular expert teachers and provided information that played a part in transforming students' lives for the healthier."


Katie Smith Deolloz

Walking Health Coach

Walking As Practice

The benefits of a healthier organization and wellness in the workplace may be much greater than you realize. By helping your employees establish healthier habits, you will reap more employee productivity and increased savings to your bottom line. More importantly, your employees will be happier and healthier, creating a stronger and more positive organizational culture.

Employers are actively seeking new ways to reduce health care costs without jeopardizing their ability to attract and retain workers. These factors have prompted many organizations to actively promote health and wellness at the work site. According to a survey released by Buck Consultants in 2011, 74% of responding employers in North America said they now offer wellness programs, providing incentives to encourage healthier lifestyles among employees. As an example, Johnson & Johnson reported that it spends $4.5 million each year on its comprehensive preventive-healthcare programs, but it estimates that without these programs its medical bills would be at least $13 million higher.

Is your organization focusing on nutrition as a preventative health care strategy?

I teach companies how to prevent and potentially reverse disease using Food as medicine, Ayurveda & a Holistic lifestyle for longevity. What makes my approach unique is I blend my training of 20 years in the medical field (trained as a Nurse Practitioner, Holistic Integrative Health coach, Ayurvedic practitioner, Functional Nutrition) to give your employees a solid foundation of how to actually live their lives.

This is not cookie cutter health. I teach your employees how to live to prevent disease using ancient secrets for longevity. I get to the root cause of inflammation, not band-aid approaches. 

My program is unique because I provide non-conventional food and health education unknown to the majority of Americans.

I believe in empowering people to take charge of their own health and lives.

 I engage and empower your employees in the areas of preventive health to create an atmosphere of wellness while decreasing insurance costs. I improve the physical and financial health of your company through non-conventional education about food and health in America.

By improving the overall well-being of your company, you can attract quality employees that stay engaged each day. You'll also increase the teamwork, collaboration, & communication among your employees.

My holistic approach leads to healthier, happy, engaged and more focused employees. This vital information will make a positive impact in their work and personal lives. Your employees will learn simple strategies for improving their overall wellness.

Most corporate wellness programs continue to involve biometric screenings, and software programs that do NOT change behaviors or prevent disease. This is because they do not instill the knowledge necessary to clear up the confusion that continues to sabotage our attempts to lose weight and potentially prevent disease, permanently.

Diets are not the answer, eating less, counting calories and exercising more, is a paradigm that deprives and depletes us. True vibrant health is a lifestyle. It is empowering. Because when you know better, you do better.

Companies Are Only as Resilient as

Their People.

How will you keep your employees healthy after the pandemic?


Now, more than ever, employees need personalized support to overcome stress and anxiety, boost their immune systems through proper nutrition habits, and manage competing responsibilities. Some people prefer or need private consultations. I offer personalized 1:1 sessions


These are unique hands-on workshops that suit the specific needs of your employees covering a variety of health topics for lasting change.

Focus on the benefits of lifestyle modifications and getting to the root cause of issues instead of using a band-aid approach.


A Blueprint, step-by-step, game plan –  helping your employees go faster with an online system for creating healthy success over and over.

This is where your employees can access online healthy living programs at their convenience. They can watch at anyplace or anytime. 

People invest for speed, structure, solid results and convenience, creating better learning experiences and highly successful employees.

3 DAY V.I.P.s

I offer 3 day in home V.I.P days for busy professionals who want personalized attention with detail on how to prevent diseases and actually structure their life. 

This is going to give you the time, space and attention you need to succeed.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with me in person and learn all my diet and integrated health strategies and techniques that have given me and my many clients success.

Contact me to discuss your company's needs.


Studies Show That For Every $1 Your Company Invests in a Wellness Program, You Can Expect $3-$6 Return on Investment


It has been estimated that the healthiest employees are three times more productive at work than their colleagues.


In one survey, 45% of employees identified wellness programs as a reason to stay with a company. And 62% of the workers believed these programs improved individual health," according to Insurance Quotes.


Investing in successful corporate wellness programs is an investment in your company culture and employee morale. Participants have found some of the benefits of workplace wellness programs includes increased energy, knowledge, life satisfaction, and a steadier level of employee morale.


A recent Bloomberg report cited a study finding 62% of all bankruptcies filed in 2007 were linked to medical expenses. Think of it not only as true health insurance, but as personal financial insurance.

Workshops & lunch &learns

Online courses

Customized Meal Plans

Personalized Desk speed sessions

3 day in home V.I.P's

"Everything is energy: If your employees are not happy or healthy, you don't make money." Sapna Fliedner

If you are looking to make a change in your company's health and bottom line, please email me at to discuss your company's needs.

"Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses suddenly appear."    Hippocrates

Companies I've worked with:

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